J. John to speak at five Filling Station venues

The internationally know evangelist J.John, will be speaking at five of the larger Filling Station meetings in England this coming Christmas time. J.John is much in demand as a speaker at Christian events and Churches and we are delighted that he is keen to partner with the Filling Station network. Many of the evenings will be billed as ‘Carols with J.John’.
This follows the very successful carols evening which J.John spoke at last December at the Henley on Thames Filling Station.
This year he will be speaking at:
• Witney Filling Station, Oxfordshire on Tuesday 1st December
• Downland Filling Station near Newbury, Berkshire on Thursday 3rd December
• Godalming Filling Station, Surrey on Tuesday 8th December
• Cirencester Filling Station, Gloucestershire on Thursday 10th December
Invitation only
The Heart of England Filling Station, will be organising an invitation only event in December.
Please check the Filling Station venue pages listed above nearer the time for full details. Venues may be different from the normal location of the local Filling Stations as greater numbers of guests are expected.
Several other Filling Stations will be doing evangelistic evenings with others speakers over the Christmas period. Watch this website for local details.