November Filling Station – Great Night of Ministry

Thursday evening, November 19th, we were privileged to have Pastors Brenda and Joel Calhoun come and share with us. Brenda and Joel have been married a little over a year now. Both had suffered the loss of their spouses to illness, and the Lord led them to each other after Joel received a Word from the Lord that He was going to bring someone very special into Joel’s life. Six months to the day that the Lord spoke that to Joel, he met Brenda. They ministered together beautifully, and it was such a blessing to see what God has done in the lives of these two wonderful people. Brenda had a prophetic word that she spoke over the Filling Station in Smithfield, thatGod was going to use this ministry to minister to the physically and emotionally lame, and that our meetings are stirring up deep wells of revival over our area – Praise God! There was a sweet time of prayer over every individual that came that evening, and God ministered to many hearts. It is exciting to be a part of these wonderful gatherings, and we expect to see God continue to do great things.