South East England Kingdom Day – Wokingham – Saturday 9th October 2016

Booking is now open for the South East England Kingdom Day which will be held in Wokingham on Saturday 8th October, 2016.
Kingdom Days are aimed at Filling Station teams. We draw together all the best features of the national conference in smaller gatherings across the UK to bless and encourage all those who make the Filling Station possible. This includes incredible worship; prophetic ministry; practical and challenging teaching as well as space to do business with Jesus.
The Kingdom Day in Wokingham is going to be very special. It is being held in a private house and we are limiting the size to 50 people. In the afternoon there will be opportunities to spend time as a team, being prophesied over, prayed for and invested in by the Filling Station Directors. We believe that this will be a significant time for each of the teams and are very keen to have as many people as possible from each team present. To help with this we are offering a £5 discount for each team member when a team of 10 or more come together.
We are very privileged to have Dr Lucy Peppiatt as our main speaker. Lucy is the Principal of Westminster Theological Centre and lectures in Christian Doctrine. She is the author of The Disciple: On Becoming Truly Human and Women and Worship at Corinth: Paul’s Rhetorical Arguments in 1 Corinthians. She and her husband, Nick Crawley, lead Crossnet Anglican Church in Bristol. They both love learning and teaching about Jesus, and are committed to discipleship.
We will also be having input from Filling Station Directors Richard and Jo Fothergill, Nick Crawley and James Nickols. There will be times of worship and prayer through the day.
Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3BY
- 9.30 Coffee available
- 10.00 Welcome, Worship, Session 1 – The Filling Station Directors
- 11.30 Coffee
- 12.00 Session 2 – Kingdom Living – Lucy Peppiatt
- 1.00 Lunch
- 2.00 – 4.00 Team Time (including prophetic ministry)
- 4.00 Tea
- 4.30 Session 3 – Growing in Ministry – Nick Crawley
- 6.00 Formal finish
Basic Rate: £30
The cost includes tea and coffee, lunch and everything required for the day
- 10 people from one Filling Station team: £5 discount each
- Married couple: £5 discount each (Unfortunately the discount is not cumulative. MAXIMUM DISCOUNT £5)
- Friends of the Filling Station come for free
If you would like to come but finance is an issue please email James (
Please book at:
When you complete the booking process you will automatically receive an email from our administrator, Sally, with information about how to make the payment for the day. To help with registration and to lessen administration on the day we do ask that you would send payment to us as soon as possible.
If there are any problems with the booking system or if you have any questions or dietary requirements please contact Sally directly. Her email address is: