International Conference – places still available!

The bi-annual Filling Station International Conference, to be held in Oxford on May 19th & 20th still has some places available, although it is booking up at a steady rate. Open to all, this Conference is designed as two days of encouragement, renewal, networking and inspiration for all Christians who want to go deeper with the Lord in 2017. Keynote addresses will be given by, Bishop Sandy Millar (founder of Alpha), Dr Lucy Peppiatt (Dean of Westminster Theological Centre), the Rev Simon Ponsonby (Director of Theology, St.Aldate’s church, Oxford) and the Rev Richard Fothergill, head of the Filling Station. Seminars will be run by Daphne Godwin of Ffald-Brenin prayer centre, Wales, the Glasgow Prophetic Centre, worship leaders and the Filling Station Directors on a variety of topics. All for a remarkably low price of £35 per head for the full weekend. Bookings can be made via this website. Sign up now as the venues capacity at St.Andrew’s, North Oxford, is limited. Hope you can join us!