Hot Stuff!

At our June meeting Rev Nick Read brought a prophetic word concerning what the Bible says about climate change. He gave a brilliantly clear and concise explanation of what climate change actually is and how it’s caused, and then proceeded to detail how the Bible clearly shows that God’s covenants with Noah and Abraham etc were not just a covenant with mankind, but with the whole of creation. The evening ended with the usual time of prayer ministry for individuals, but also with a corporate time of repentance.
From July 6-15th, New Wine Cymru have organised a Street Mission across Wales in 19 different locations, with 125 churches taking part. This is part of the Turning, a move of God which started in Reading last year, and has seen thousands of people in cities and towns across England turning to Christ – hence the name ‘Turning’. Unity has been a big factor in the Turning from the beginning, and what’s happening in Wales is largely due to the unity that has been forged amongst the 600 church leaders of all denominations, who are linked together in New Wine Cymru. Part of this mission will be taking place in Brecon, and at our next meeting we are looking forward to hearing Rob Jones, a Church Planter who also heads up the Valleys region of NWC. He will be bringing an up to date picture of how the mission has gone, as well as bringing a prophetic and inspiring word. Please pray for the mission during July, and come along on July 28th ready to be challenged and inspired. The worship on July 28th will be led by local worship group, ‘Open Door’.