Sweden joins the Filling Station world

Two new Filling Stations are just starting in Sweden for the first time!  The model of monthly renewal and evangelism meetings has struck a chord with various Christian groups in Scandinavia and Sweden is the first country to see new meetings established.  The first is in the town of Wilhemina in Lapland, in the far North of the country.  Meeting in a cafe owned by Christians, called ‘The Kings Cafe’, the team there led by Anthony & Vicky Innerd, are very excited that they can host these regular celebration meetings.  Respected local speakers will be attending and one of the UK Filling Station’s team will be visiting them in the summer.  To find out more visit their Facebook account: facebook.com/innerda

The second meeting to launch in Sweden will be in the city of Gothenburg on the West coast.  Local pastors, Magnus Sund and Marcus Olsen, have drawn together a team to offer the Filling Station model to the younger generation of Gothenburg.  A venue is being agreed and they hope to publicise the meeting and launch in February.

To find out more, drop Marcus a line at:gatupastorn@hotmail.com  There are now 93 Filling Stations in operation world wide with new meetings starting all the time.

To find out where your nearest meeting might be, look at the ‘Meeting Locator’ facility on this website

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