May Meeting

We had a wonderful meeting in April, set off beautifully with fantastically moving worship with Donald Forbes. Charlotte spoke a little about the Passion Play she organises in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday, when it rained cats and dogs, but didn’t put thousands of people off coming and standing in the wet to see the story of Jesus’ triumph over death portrayed in the streets of London. Jackie spoke about her recent trip to South Africa to help out with the same charity again – once again she had a really rewarding time and I’m sure she is much missed over there now she is home in Fife.
Jim Rettie, who is a retired Church of Scotland minister, and who is now leader of the Christian Fellowship of Healing, spoke to us, beginning with Psalm 103. He says when we read an excerpt from the Bible, we should ask “Lord, what are you saying to me in this?” and then listen. “Lord, what do you want me to understand from this?” and then listen. “Lord, what do you want me to DO about this?” and then listen.
In the psalm, it talks about praising God for everything he does for us and for the benefits we receive – forgiveness of all our sins. We need to make God the Lord of every area of our lives – it’s not enough just to say we are Christian.
And healing. We read our bibles and we get to a healing story and we need to say, “Lord, I believe you did that then. Lord, I believe you can do it now.” It is the complete package we have in Jesus, guidance, helping, forgiveness, AND healing. It was the command of Jesus and it is a challenge to trust God, but that is what we are asked to do.
Jim Rettie was a wonderful man and it was a joy to listen to him, as he illustrated his talk with many examples of healing God has done through him.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday May 8th, in the barn at Lochiehead, Auchtermuchty, KY14 7EH from 7.30-9.30pm. Tea, coffee and baking served from 7.30pm – please could you try not to arrive early, so the committee can pray before it starts. The worship starts at about 8 o’ clock, then there is a moment for anyone to tell us all briefly of anything God has done for you recently. The speaker for the evening will then address us – May’s speaker is Hilary McNutt, who is part of the team at the Tabernacle; she sent us the following two little paragraphs about herself:
Hilary is passionate about friendship with God, how He sets us free and sets us in the Body of Christ. She loves to lead people into a greater connection with the God who is already inside them, and watch that bring deeper understanding of identity and gifting.
She embraces change and challenge! Her pioneering gift has seen her in many vocations, from rescuing playgroups to being a midwife, managing CLAN Gathering to teaching courses. She has been married to Andrew for 21 years and they live in central Scotland with their two beautiful daughters and a wee dog.
I’m looking forward very much to hearing what she has to say and also to seeing lots of you there.
x Bridie