Intercession Day for The Filling Station network – Wednesday 12th September 2018

Do please join us on Wednesday 12th September 2018 as we fast and pray together for the Kingdom to come with ever increasing effectiveness through The Filling Station network. These days of prayer which we hold at the beginning of each term, (and during ‘The Kingdom Come’ in the run up to Pentecost), prove to be crucial in the development of the whole ministry.
On Wednesday 12th September 2018 please join with us…
1. Thanking God for ‘Refuel 2018’, the Festival of worship and teaching held in Scotland at the end of July. The very positive feedback is spurring us on to ‘aim high’ for the development of this ministry across Scotland. 2. Thank God for the new FSs that have started recently: Bo’ness, Buchan, Ouse Valley, East Durham, Heart of Notts, Neath, Stroudwater, Grassington, Gothenburg, North Nottinghamshire.
3. Please pray earnestly for the teams yet to start: Mid-Devon, Gower, Battersea, Ardfern, Wellington, Gairngorms., Sophia (Bulgaria). 4 Ask God to strengthen all the FS meetings: Guidance for the leaders; Excellent preachers who teach scripture; Powerful encounters with God in worship and through prayer ministry 5. Ask God for the ‘de-churched’ to come back into fellowship and worship, and for the ‘non-churched’ to be converted through TFS 6. Please pray these ‘one-liners’: ‘Dear Father, please …
7. And please ask the Lord to continue to provide money and resources to fund this ministry in the way that He has done so wonderfully up to this point. Jesus taught that the essence of intercession is to ‘ASK’. “Ask and you will receive”. The verb is in the continuous present: ‘Askingly ask’, even if (in some cases) the answer may be a long time coming, let us join together asking the Lord to glorify His name through all The Filling Station ministry. And please let us know if you sense the Lord giving you prophetic revelation for TFS… |