Refuel 2018 a great success!
The summer saw us host our second ‘Refuel’ Christian holiday teaching week up in Gordon Castle, Morayshire, Scotland. Over 1,500 people attended this most enjoyable week.
Some 1,500+ people attend the week in late July and heard Jackie Pullinger, Bruxey Cavey (The Meeting House, Toronto), Sandy Millar, Eddie Lyle (from Open Doors) and many others teach and inspire the church. There was worship, prayer, teaching and a real sense of being ‘one family’, which many remarked upon.
Numerous stands and seminars were run by a host of mission agencies during the week. The dry weather was an added bonus and there was a great sense of Christian ‘family’ about the week, remarked upon by many.
We ended the week with an impromptu baptism of 18 people in the grounds of the Castle, something wholly endorsed by the local Scottish Church leaders who were present.
The Rev Sandy Millar (formerly Rector of Holy Trinity Brompton) told me that he thinks the Filling Station, plus our Refuel holiday teaching event, has the potential to completely re-evangelise Scotland.
Refuel19 is now booked in the diary for July 21st -28th next year. For more details look at the Refuel website: