Brian Greenaway is coming to the West Devon Filling Station

Come along on this Wednesday to hear our speaker, a man with a very interesting past and an amazing story to tell.
Former Hell’s Angel (and once prisoner at Dartmoor prison) Brian Greenaway has worked as a Prison Chaplin for over 30 years in Wandsworth Prison, High Down prison, Maidstone and Coldingly Prison.
Bullied as a child, rejected by his family, and seeking self-worth and comfort in a life of crime, violence, drink and drugs, God made Himself known to Brian. His conversion with Christ changed his life forever, and he has spent the last 3 decades introducing thousands of prison inmates to Jesus, setting them on the same road to restoration he is on.
His ongoing ministry is to make contact with prisoners, build constructive relationships and share the good news of Jesus Christ has resulted in two books ‘Hell’s Angel’ & ‘The Monster Within’