An up-date on our news

October’s Filling Station was a very enjoyable evening;  I think all of you who were there would agree.  After our worship, Donna spoke to us a little about the great work that she and others are doing in Lebanon, helping with children in Sam’s House, the charity she has set up in memory of her son.  Really incredible what they are achieving.
Then we had a wonderful talk from Andrea Mill, who is a Christian counsellor from Edinburgh, about the strength of God’s love, how safe and strong we feel when we are secure in that love, and how we struggle when we feel we are far from it.  How prayer brings us closer to the love of God and how loving others is the way to go,  the way God wants us to go.  We were made in God’s image and we must try to love people as He loves all the world.
Our November meeting began with some more wonderful worship led by Preston Hill and then Jean talked about a good book she has just read – Prepare Your Heart for the Midnight Cry by R.T. Kendall, which she thoroughly recommends.  R.T. Kendall is a Christian writer, theologian and preacher and the book is subtitled “a call to be ready for Christ’s return”.  It encourages us to be watchful for the approaching work of God and to build a deeper relationship with Him.  We had testimony from Nicky and requests for prayer for Christians abroad from Ewan.
Our main speaker was Josée Scott, from Freedom Unlimited in Edinburgh, which is a great enterprise involving both prisoners and ex-offenders.  She has been a Christian for about 40 years and suddenly the Lord put this vision of what He wanted her to do about 6 years ago, which brought into existence Freedom Unlimited and also a huge change in her life and in the lives of those she works with.  She had to learn a lot about the criminal justice system and talk to a lot of people, including the Glasgow Prophetic Centre.  Her business now provides training and work experience for those who have been in prison, to combat the homelessness and lack of job opportunities that beset them when they are released, to stop re-offending which is all too common as a result.  This is with both men and women, with mainstream prisoners and also with protected prisoners.  She also delivers “redemptive script” writing to those in HMP Glenochil – this being prophetic words given to her by God in pictures and written in the form of a personal parable.  It is seeing a person as God sees them, looking at their potential and helping them to understand that they can change the script themselves.
When you first become a Christian, she says, you are like a servant of Jesus, you are learning (well, you don’t ever stop learning!), but you mature and grow into more understanding and become a friend of Jesus.  Our main purpose is to worship God.  Remember your catechism “The Chief End of Man is to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever.”  Worship takes many forms:  it is singing, it is enjoying a walk and beauties of Nature, God’s creation, it is being with friends.  It is all in your mindset, your attitude.  God wants us to enjoy Him and spend time with Him.
Josée finished with a redemptive script written for us called: “Rise up, Riders of the Royal Regiment of the Ruach”!
That was our last Filling Station meeting of the year!  We had a thought of doing something special in December, but weren’t able to line up the people we needed, so that’s something in the pipeline…
Our next Filling Station will be in January 8th, in the usual place, the barn at Lochiehead, Auchtermuchty, KY14 7EH from 7.30-9.30pm.  Tea, coffee and baking served from 7.30pm – please could you try not to arrive early, so the committee can pray before it starts. The worship starts at about 8 o’ clock, then there is a moment for anyone to tell us all briefly of anything God has done for you or someone you know recently.  The speaker for the evening is Andy Bevan, the Scottish Director of the International Justice Mission, an amazing organisation which works to tackle injustice around the world in God’s name.  Worship will be led by Chris White.
I will not be there.  As most of you who are regular Filling Station-ers will know, Donald and I have been trying to sell our house for some time.  This has finally happened and we are off to the Black Isle on the 18th December.  This means that I will not see you at Lochiehead on the second Tuesday of the month any more, but will hope to catch up with some of you at Refuel, perhaps.  It has been a marvellous experience to be involved in the Filling Station and to have got to know you through our worship and fellowship and being with God at Lochiehead.  I will really miss it – it is “thin” place where the spirit of God hovers “with ah! – bright wings.”  I know that.
Bless you all and have a very happy Christmas and New Year.
x Bridie
P.S.  Don’t forget to “like” and share our Facebook page – The Filling Station North East Fife.
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