Station News
October Meeting
Our speaker in October was Chris Bird, who is the minister at Fleet Baptist Church in Hampshire, but has also spent some time recently in India delivering God’s message there, too. He spoke about things that he has been doing in the last year or so and how it is clear that we must focus on God so that He can work through us and anoint us with the power we need to do whatever God is calling us to do. Some of the images we heard about came from the story of Ruth and Boaz, showing us how we must cleanse ourselves and approach God with the right attitude of humility and obedience. He felt that Psalm 133 was appropriate for our area, focussing on unity and lavish anointing from The Lord.
Our next meeting is on Friday November 8th and our speaker is Mark Rylands, who was the team rector here in Langport for several years. He was Bishop of Shrewsbury for 9 years but is now based in Ashburton, Devon because he wanted to focus on evangelical ministry and we are looking forward to having him back here.