“Freely you have received, freely give” – Tuesday 12th November
“Freely you have received, freely give!”
Hello everyone! Our next meeting is on Tuesday 12th November with special guest speaker Andrew Evans.
Andrew is the vicar of 3 local churches, in Holt, Broughton Gifford and Great Chalfield. He is married to Jo and they have 3 grown up children and one grandchild. Andrew was a solicitor in private practice for 20 years. He trained at Trinity Bristol after being called to ministry in the Church of England. He is passionate to see God’s Kingdom come here in Wiltshire, to see churches healthy and growing, and to see the gospel proclaimed alongside signs of the Kingdom. With Helen Begley he has formed Gateway Christian Healing which seeks to resource churches in the healing ministry in the locality.
Andrew’s theme will be “Freely you have received, freely give”
Doors open at 7.PM for coffee and cakes for a 7.30PM start. We invite everyone to the prayer time at the beginning of the evening when,the organising team, the band and the guest speaker have a time of prayer before the Service starts, sometimes in the band area and sometimes at the back of the Church. We aim to finish at about 9.30 although all welcome to stay of for prayer ministry and quiet chat.