Station News
November Meeting
It was wonderful to welcome Mark Rylands back to speak at the Filling Station in November – and he was the team rector here in Langport for several years and is now based in Ashburton. His talk was based on Luke chapter 5 verse 1-11 which is on the calling of the first disciples, who were fishermen, and how through enabling them to catch a huge number of fish, Jesus made it clear how they must become disciples to serve Him and become “fishers of men”. The key thing for us is that God also sees the potential we have to serve Him and He wants to work through us so that we can enable people to be “caught” as Christians just as the disciples caught fish. We must also pray to God for opportunities, wisdom and direction in all that we do so that we can serve Him and witness for Him more and more effectively – depending not on ourselves but on Him.
We do not have a meeting in December so our next meeting will be Friday January 10th and our speaker is James Cary who is a well known comedy script writer – and one of the comedy shows he helped to develop was “Miranda” featuring Miranda Hart. He has a great Christian faith and we are looking forward to hearing him speak to us.