Black Mountains Filling Station CANCELLED due to CORONAVIRUS

In accordance with the government, NHS and The Filling Station national headquarters, we are cancelling the Black Mountains Filling Station, which meets in Glasbury, for at least March and April. After that the situation will be reviewed. We will keep you informed.
The current climate of cancelling services, Filling Station events, etc. opens wide the opportunities for us to seek the Lord on His guidance concerning the many ways we can continue being part of the Body of Christ in our communities. We can all show His love, care and kindness to those around us in practical ways, including praying for our neighbours and phoning or posting cards with offers of help to those who are self isolating. This is a time for us to put the teaching of Jesus into practice in our lives. To choose not to fear but to live in faith and hope. To choose not to live for ourselves but for others. To be good news in our communities. Listen to His promptings.
Psalm 91 is a reassuring Psalm to read. We can depend on Him. Can He depend on us to be his hands, feet, listening ears and reassuring mouthpiece for those around us who are lonely, worried, struggling in any way?
Below are some suggestions from James Nickols from the Filling Station Trust:
Pray – The Archbishop of Canterbury is suggesting that we pray for at least 20 seconds every time we wash your hands for the next 7 days – praying the Lord’s prayer as well as for the sick and fearful. Church leaders across the nation are also calling for a National Day of Prayer and Action this coming Mothering Sunday (22nd March) and we would encourage you to get involved. You can read more from the Archbishop here:
Serve those around you – We can be salt and light in our communities simply by ringing someone who is isolated and vulnerable; doing shopping or picking up prescriptions for a neighbour, buying an extra item and placing it in the local food bank, helping night shelters stay open. Please find some resources to help engaging with neighbours: