“Sharing the Gospel where we are” Tuesday 10th March

Hello everyone our next meeting at The Filling Station, Box is on Tuesday 10th March, Doors open at 7pm for great coffee, cake and company. As usual the evening will begin with a time of worship starting at 19.30 (prompt!) there will be an opportunity for personal testimony and prayer ministry. Coffee and cakes will be available throughout the evening, with Barbara making sure that everyone is well catered for.
Trevor Ranger is our guest speaker and his theme will be “Sharing the Gospel were we are”.
Trevor became a Christian at the age of 11 during a Holiday Bible Club at his home church in Surrey. In 1987, having worked for 4 years in an office, Trevor went to Moorlands Bible College where he sensed God’s call to work with children and young people and where he later met Ruth who would become his wife. For the last 18 years, he has worked for Synergy Christian Trust (based in Chippenham) supporting Christian education in schools and working with churches wherever he is needed. Trevor writes children’s and all-age worship songs and three albums of his songs have been released by Elevation Music. Trevor’s passion is to help children (and adults) to think carefully about what it is they believe and to show them Jesus.
We invite everyone to a time of prayer at the beginning of the evening along with: the organising team, the band and guest speaker before the Service starts, We aim to finish at about 9.30 although all welcome to stay on for prayer ministry and a quiet chat.
Please be aware of the official NHS advice Coronavirus (as distinct from some of the less reliable stuff in the press and social media….)
Do I need to avoid public places?
Most people can continue to go to work, school and other public places.
You only need to stay away from public places (self-isolate) if advised to by the 111 online coronavirus service or a medical professional.
How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus
- wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- always wash your hands when you get home or into work
- use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
- try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell