TFS Weekly Prayer Calendar for Covid 19 situation

We hope and pray this finds all of you safe and well.
We don’t know about you but it feels like there is SO much to be praying for at the moment, we almost don’t know where to start. With that in mind our Intercessory Prayer Coordinator, Jo Fothergill has prepared a TFS Weekly Prayer Calendar from the one she has been using to help her focus her own prayers about the CV19 situation – Jo finds focusing on specifics helps her.
So we thought we would share it with you all and hope it might help your prayers too. It would be wonderful to feel that the roughly 5,500 people that currently attend Filling Stations in the UK, and abroad, were all praying each day for these topics – how much power would be in that!
With every blessing in Christ,
The Filling Station Staff Team.
Click here: Printable Suggested TFS Weekly Prayer calendar for CV situation
Monday | Pray for all those in your area in hospital with Corona Virus, AND other serious medical conditions, for healing and restoration. Also, for protection for those (again in your area) in the vulnerable category – the elderly, those with existing health conditions to avoid the Covid19 virus, to stay well and healthy. |
Tuesday | Pray for all those in your area in hospital with Corona Virus, AND other serious medical conditions, for healing and restoration. Also, for protection for those (again in your area) in the vulnerable category – the elderly, those with existing health conditions to avoid the Covid19 virus, to stay well and healthy. |
Wednesday | Looking further afield to those who were highly vulnerable before this outbreak, – in the case of TFS, we partner with Hands at Work, a charity caring for over 6,000 orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa and 6 other African countries. As this virus takes hold in these countries, they and those older people in their communities will NOT have access to decent or sufficient medical care. It has the potential to be devastating in these countries. Please pray specifically for Hands at Work, the children they care for, the Care Workers and the ‘go go’s” (the older family members who often are caring for vulnerable children), the volunteers, the ministry.
Note – Wednesday has traditionally been the day that we, at FS, pray for Hands at Work and their ministry based in South Africa so we would like to continue to do this,
Thursday | Pray for the Church and Christians to rise up and make a difference, and to demonstrate care and compassion wherever we can. For opportunities and creative ways of being able to help. For unity in the body of Christ, that we are walking in step with the Lord’s plans not running ahead with our own agendas. For the Church to rise up, be seen and heard with the message of hope in Jesus. |
Friday | Pray for the Holy Spirit to be working powerfully through all this, to wake people up spiritually, to see their need for God, and to meet Jesus. For MANY to come to faith during this time, for REVIVAL. For opportunities for us all to be able to share our faith, and to do it well, and lovingly. That we can demonstrate love, faith, and hope; and NOT fear. |
Saturday | Pray for our leaders and their advisors, for strength, wisdom, energy, and divine guidance in decision making. For Boris (to realise he needs the Lord and can’t do this on his own understanding), the cabinet, Chief Medical Officer, etc and for Christians who are in government to be salt and light, and speak out divine wisdom. |
Sunday | Day of just pure focused worship of Jesus for who He is, and thanks that HE REIGNS. Then pray from that place…as the Lord leads you. |
We would love to hear of your testimonies or any specific prayer requests, please send these to
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash