Many meetings still gathering – on the web!

Many Filling Station teams have stepped up to offer their monthly celebration meetings on the web via a variety of computer programmes. The most commonly used package seems to be Zoom, and several Filling Stations have bought an extended version of that medium to allow a longer evening meeting. The Filling Stations that we have heard about so far offering virtual meetings are the following:- Lossiemouth, Wishaw, S.Lakes, N.E Durham, Harrogate, S.Yorks, Wirral, Central Nottinghamshire, N.Norfolk, Witney, Central London, E.Kent, Dowland, Kennet, Wessex and the Black Mountains in Wales. All meetings are held on the same night as their normal corporate gatherings would have taken place. We understand the American Filling Stations are also meeting in this manner. To find out how to join any of these meetings to celebrate God’s goodness, message the meeting Administrators as listed on this site. If you are a host team offering a virtual meeting that we haven’t heard about yet, do drop Emily ( or Richard ( a line. (April 9th 2020).