June “Virtual Meeting” Tuesday 9th June
We are delighted to welcome this month James Collie who will be leading us in some “live” worship and Rev Sally Wheeler who will be talking on “Hanging on in there – Faith in adversity”.
Sally has been working over the last twenty years in a mixture of town and village parishes around Chippenham. As well as Vicar of the Marshfield Benefice, she has the extra responsibilities of Area Dean for Chippenham. She is a Foundation Governor for Marshfield School and a Trustee of both the Almshouses and Marshfield Combined Charities. Her grown up children are mostly scattered around the UK and one son and his family are in Borneo.
Our virtual meeting will be available on Facebook and YourTube from 7.30 PM tomorrow evening. Do join in and we all pray you are encouraged and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Our YouTube Channel is TFS Box https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChTn-HObSzGeyAdDVgF7kGQ