Helen Azer – The Filling Station in Witney Recorded Meeting June 2020

Witney Filling Station Recorded Meeting June 2020
(Please click on The Filling Station logo).
As we worship: let us open our hearts to God; let us wait on Him; let us bask in His presence; let us hear what God the Lord may say to us through the following worship led by Witney Community Church.
(Please click on the link below)
We invite you to listen to the message from Helen Azer from Heartcry for Change Ministries)
Activating the Potential of the New.
(Click on the link below)
Let us pray
We thank you God that you long to be gracious to us. We thank you that all who long for You are blessed. We are those who long for You, so we call ourselves blessed.
Let us be quiet now to reflect and respond to Helen’s message….
Blessing (based on Psalm 91)
In the mighty name of Jesus:
We bless you to dwell in God’s shelter
We bless you to enter the rest found in His presence
We bless you to know He is your refuge and fortress
We bless you to know His protection on your life
We bless you to know that as you call on Him He will answer you
We bless you to know that He is always with you in times of trouble
We bless you to know that God is completely trustworthy
We bless you to know that God is always good
We bless you to know that you are God’s beloved child
The UK Blessing
(Click on the link below)
With love from the Filling Station Team