Prophetic words given to the people of The Filling Station in Witney (2015)

We are pleased to share with you some of the prophetic words given to the Witney Filling Station by a team from the Glasgow Prophetic Centre; they are great friends of The Filling Station. We invite you to use them as a basis for prayer and declaration.


‘Witney, I call you My Bethsaida. I call you My Bethsaida, which means the house of fruits. It sits in the land of Gennesaret, which is the land of plenty, where even the fish tasted better. This is the place where the blind man had his sight restored. It was the home of Peter, Andrew and Philip, where He called the first disciples. The Lord calls you a birthing well, a birthing well, a birthing of many. There are many who are in bondage in this region. Even though this region looks prosperous, almost chocolate boxie, in its kind of pictorial scenic way, this region is broken. Do not look upon it with natural eyes, sons and daughters, but look on it with your spiritual discernment. Look on it with your spiritual discernment. I am beginning to show you broken hearts and broken homes. I am beginning to show you abuse and addiction and the demonic strongholds in this region, says the Lord. The ark of the Lord is coming. It comes in the form of housewives and workmen and sons and daughters of the living God who have a fire in their bellies, and they are coming to take the land. The song, Rick Pino, You’re an army dressed for battle, take the land, take the land.’



‘Witney take the land. Witney take the land. The Lord is giving you the strategies and abilities; your secret weapon because you actually look as if you couldn’t hurt a fly. You’re so polite, says the Lord, but actually you are offensive weapons in His arsenal. You are offensive weapons in His arsenal. The Lord has strategically placed you individually and corporately for this time to burst open this well He has called Bethsaida. It’s almost like a new name in the Spirit that the Lord has given you of Bethsaida.

I hear God say that behind large bank accounts and nice homes and families there are many who struggle with mental illness and depression and struggle with anxiety and bipolar. God says to you, Witney Filling Station, I give you the anointing to begin to deal with the principalities and powers of mental illness in your region; to bring wholeness and wellbeing back into thinking and back into thought processes of people in the land. And God says that I’m even coming to blanket you with even more protection when even at night you find yourself plagued by worry and by thoughts of depression. God says I’m coming to blanket you and cover you, but I’m also releasing onto your shoulders a mantle, an anointing to begin to break the curses of mental illness from the land and release wholeness and wellbeing and vitality back to the peoples. You are a family who are releasing life to families. It looks like there’s nothing wrong behind the doors. But I want to come and meet them, my hand is upon them and I’m swooping in to release My presence and My healing and wholeness even to their thinking.

God is saying, ‘’Witney you have been known as a place of blankets but now I am making you a place of spiritual blankets.’’ God is handing spiritual needles to each one of you and you’re going to sew spiritual blankets that you are going to lay over people and it will bring healing. It will bring freedom. It will bring break through. It will bring prosperity. I see that it will go across this land and internationally. The blankets of Witney will be known again in the spiritual realm as a covering over people that brings healing and freedom.’



‘The Lord says to you Filling Stations, Filling Stations, I am opening up wells within your midst. The Lord is calling these wells Jacob’s wells.  Sons and daughters, do you not know that the Jacob’s well that would burst and birth and opened, was the well where the Samaritan woman came to receive a word from her king, her Lord and her Messiah? Sons and daughters, do you not know that I am going to begin to burst open wells within your midst? I see over the nation every single Filling Station bursting open in the land. You are the bursters of the land; to release the well that the Lord is calling Jacob’s wells. Where people will come from all over to taste and see that the Lord is good. To drink the well of the Lord and then bring others around as the Samaritan woman did. You are not designed Filling Stations just for your location; you are designed for the regions that you inhabit. It’s like a reverberation in the land as the Lord gives you strategies to burst forth the land to release the wells of living water. Worship is really key. For some there needs to be an increase in intercession. Intercession both in your midst and out. Intercession generally as a group that you are all individually contending for the wells bursting in the Filling Stations, so that nations can be changed, so regions can be changed. God is interested in transforming nations. He’s going to do it one person at a time. He’s going to do it through you.’



‘Filling Stations you are established, Filling Stations you are established, Filling Stations you are established in the land and you have deep foundations in the land where I am calling you to as a people in this next season. As a building, as a building of a house, a building of a gathering, but also as a building of a place that would export oil and fuel to all different parts of the land. You’re not just going to be a Filling Station, but you’re an oil and a fuel carrier that exports fuel, that exports the Spirit of God to different aspects and to different places and regions and now God is waking up that two fold part of being a Filling Station. You’ll begin to export the fuel, you’ll begin to export the oil and begin to export what God is doing in the midst of you to different areas and you’ll bleed out into your community as you believe what I am doing in your midst. I’ll enter the community and begin to change the structure of the rural land that’s around you. There will be stories and testimonies of breakthrough in farming and breakthrough in the land; breakthrough in fruitfulness as God begins to bleed out into the community and into the land what He is doing in your corporate gatherings, so know that the Spirit flows and bleeds out. You’re a people who know how to host the presence of God, but now it’s a time to bleed out into your communities. Watch as even the natural land responds to your gathering. Watch as even the natural land responds to the exporting of my oil. Watch as the peoples begin to respond to what I am doing in your midst. You’ll see an increase in those who come to know Me like never before. You’ll not just have new people who come to your gatherings, who already know Me, but God says you’re going to have new people who come across your path, who knock at your door, who don’t know how they got there. But God says I have established you and now I’m opening the door to a new era not just a new season. I have flung open the door and you are running through the door, you are running through the door. You are moving with acceleration. This is not a slow moving forward. This is not slow and gradual forward motion. This is a very quick rapid movement. Testimonies coming out before the end of the year. Testimonies begin to just flow from you. Taking off in a momentous snowball. God has shifted you into a new era. Bleed out into the community and watch the land respond.’



‘I have been breaking and building, I have been breaking and building, I have been breaking and building this weekend. I have been breaking hearts, I have been breaking hearts, but I’ve been building you and fitting you together. I’ve been building and fitting you together. As I fit you together as a team, I will bring others in the midst of you to fit together. Sons and daughters, we will build My kingdom together. We will build My kingdom together. We will build My kingdom together. But for each of your strains it looks slightly different. There is a definitive Filling Station DNA but there are different anointings that the Lord wants to speak to us about. I’ve been breaking your hearts so I can build with you. Even in the regroup time I am building in the midst of you. There are some of you in the Filling Stations that God has called to be fire starters. You recognise in the churches you come from that there is oil there. But it’s not lit. God has said that there are some of you here that are going to carry the torch from here and I see you going into your churches and I see you lighting the fire. The whole of that oil that’s been running around under the church is going to be set aflame.

I saw in a vision I was driving a 4 wheeled jeep and I went into the petrol station to fill up. As I went to fill up, the oil kept flooding over the whole tarmac. It was just catching on fire. The oil was not running out. The jeep was being driven. It can go into different terrains and different areas. God is taking you into all different terrains. He’s changing the shape of how you minister. There’s going to be Filling Stations everywhere in different terrains, but oil is pouring out and as that oil poured out I looked and I thought, ‘That’s going to catch on fire!’ I went through to pay for it and it was free. It’s free oil. It’s free oil! I went right past the cashier onto an aeroplane. God said this is an international 747 flight. God is taking you higher now. He’s taking you higher and He wants you to fly in the Spirit with Him. He’s changing your whole terrain. He’s changing the way you look at things. He’s changing the way you look at yourself. Some of you look and think, ‘I’m just doing this tiny little thing. I can’t do much more.’ But God’s saying to you, ‘Look what you have in your hands.’ He’s equipping you at this time. You are being equipped. God wants you to go and catch that fire. I’m burning in your hearts now. I’m burning in your hearts a passion for Me, a passion for Me. I’m burning in the Filling Stations and in every single one of you, because you are My sons and daughters, a passion that will not let go; a passion that will run with the things of the Spirit. There’s a new way, a new calling. A new anointing for you and you need to take hold of it and run. It’s not the same anointing that was given. It’s a new anointing that keeps going and going and filling and filling and filling. Your cup will be continually filling and running over. Let the fire catch and let it burn.’

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