13th October. Bishop Lee talks on “Opportunities for Evangelism in the COVID 19 era”.

We are delighted to welcome back Bishop Lee Rayfield to The Filling Station at Box.
Bishop of Swindon since 2005, Lee has been a great supporter and encourager of TFS since its launch in Box back in 2006. A biologist by background, with over 30 scientific papers to his name, he pursued a call to ministry and was ordained in 1993. He is spokesman for the Church of England on medical ethics and science and religion, and is a member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. Lee is passionate about making the Christian message accessible to all, whether within or beyond the Church, and in helping them grow in their relationship with God.
Everyday in the midst of all the bad news of COVID19 and it’s impact we read of many people searching for meaning and hearing the good news of Jesus through online meetings, teaching, worship and prayer. It is so exciting! This evening Bishop Lee will give his unique insight to these new opportunities for evangelism and bringing people into a relationship with Jesus Christ in the COVID19 era.
Do join us from 7.30PM on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChTn-HObSzGeyAdDVgF7kGQ Don’t forget coffee and cakes.
If you would like prayer please drop an email to box@thefillingstation.org and one of the team will make contact.
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