10th November – “Where you sit is what you see”. Hellie Brunt draws lessons from Elijah’s life

Do join us for our November meeting from 7.30PM on Tuesday 10th November on our YouTube channel Box TFS YouTube
Worship will be led by James Collie and our guest speaker this month is Hellie Brunt. Hellie is one of the Regional Consultants for The Filling Station. She recently got married in her 42nd year to the wonderful Mike. Hellie loves equipping churches and charities with prophetic teaching, coffees with friends and singing in the car!
Hellie’s talk is titled “Where you sit is what you see” – lessons from Elijah’s life and keeping a Kingdom perspective. Now more than ever is a good time to be reminded to see things around us with a Kingdom perspective so we are very much looking forward to Hellie’s talk.
Don’t forget coffee and cakes! The meeting will be streamed on YouTube at 7.30PM and will be available to revisit at any time after that. Box TFS YouTube
If you would like prayer please drop an email to box@thefillingstation.org and one of the team will make contact.
And if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletters please also let us know by email or via the Facebook site.