Tuesday 9th February – Rev Philip Turner & prayers for all NHS and Care staff
This month we are online again on the “second Tuesday” as usual; Tuesday 9th February from 7.30PM. We are delighted to welcome Rev Philip Turner as our guest speaker.
Philip is part of the Chaplaincy team at the RUH in Bath. He became a Methodist Minister in 1999 and has served various churches in Suffolk, Hertfordshire and Yorkshire but was always drawn to offering care to those in hospital. In April 2017 he became a chaplaincy volunteer and the following year joined the staff. In his spare time he bakes bread, runs the Bath Skyline parkrun and is researching holiness. His wife is a chaplain to university students. They have two school-aged children and live in Bath. Philip will be speaking about shifting control from ourselves to God.
We will also be taking the opportunity to pray for all NHS and care staff, and give praise and thanks for their wonderful work.
Do join us at 7.30pm on our YouTube channel TFS BOX
If you would like items for prayer, or have messages to share, please contact us either by email at box@thefillingstation.org or via our Facebook page TFS Box http://www.facebook.com/thefillingstationbox/