“There are more AIDS orphans in Africa than there are children in the UK” – we speak to Hands at Work

Jo & Richard Fothergill speak to David & Jane Newsome, Joint National Coordinators (UK) for Hands at Work in Africa.
Would you like to get involved?
Give – To support a child, £20 a month will provide the essential services of food, education and basic health care
Pray – including:
- Hands at Work’s Prayer App is currently doing a 40 Days of Prayer during Lent, which you can search for in the App Store.
- Join in with a Prayer group online (women’s group is first Monday of the month, men’s is the first Tuesday of the month)
Receive updates – Jo Fothergill co-ordinates a What’sApp group, mostly for those who have been on a team previously, including Praying for Hands at Work Day on Wednesdays!
Get in touch – Drop Jo Fothergill a line at jo@thefillingstation.org.
Find out more – www.handsatwork.org