Tuesday 9th March – John Davies reflects on Worship during the pandemic
The Filling Station in Box will be “online” again on Tuesday 9th March from 7.30PM on our YouTube channel TFS BOX.
Many of you will remember John Davies who led us in musical worship when we were still able to meet in person. His inspired leadership invariably transported me away from the challenges and anxieties of a busy day into a place of intimacy with God: priorities reset and Spiritual fuel tank replenished.
We are delighted that John has kindly agreed to be our guest speaker this month and he will be talking on the subject of Worship. John will reflect on what we have learned about worship during the pandemic lockdowns, what the Bible teaches us and how our worship life can be sustained and even enhanced in times such as this.
Do join us at 7.30pm on our YouTube channel TFS BOX
If you would like items for prayer, or have messages to share, please contact us either by email at box@thefillingstation.org or via our Facebook page TFS Box http://www.facebook.com/thefillingstationbox/