What our Teams felt during 24 Hours of Prayer for The Filling Station

Thank you!
Thank you for standing with us in prayer last Monday, during our 24 Hours of Prayer. We know it is the ‘fuel’ for all that the Lord is doing, and will do in the future, through The Filling Station.
You helped fill each of the 24 hour slots! Host Teams and individuals from all over the world prayed for our ministry, from Virginia and California, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Australia.
By using the virtual Prayer Room through the 24/7 Prayer website, teams were able to sign up easily for a slot, using our Prayer Guide to help their prayer time.
Various words and pictures shared with Jo Fothergill have been a great encouragement: and well-timed, as we plan to pray in more detail at our annual Staff Team Retreat in June.
There were various themes that we noticed from these words that were fed back to use:
- The Lord is going to release a “heavy anointing for encounters” with him.
- There will be a backlash against organised religion. As The Filling Station, our role is to both “fill in the gaps and to stand in the gap”. People want something different: be prepared for the harvest.
- We are to be a beacon of truth (salt and light).
- Prayer and Intercession is going to be key, as the enemy will contest this.
Coming soon:
This Autumn, we are planning another day of prayer, in-line with what we feel God asking us to do. We’ll let you know the date once confirmed!