The Filling Station is back – Tuesday 14th September
The Filling Station is Back!!
We’re excited to announce that Box Filling Station is going to be back, LIVE and IN PERSON, on Tuesday September 14th. For those concerned about Coronavirus, be assured we’re exploring ways to provide a safe and welcoming environment for us to meet together in Box Methodist Church. We’re really looking forward to sharing worship with you all together after such a long time apart.
During ‘lockdown’ the leadership team has spent much time praying and seeking God’s heart concerning the future of the Filling Station in Box. We really value all that Filling Station has been over recent years, but we sense God is leading us to develop and enrich the ministry of TFS as we enter a new season. We’d love to share that with you, and are eager to hear what God may have been saying to YOU for us as a group in the coming months.
We’ll start at 7:15 for 7:30 pm with coffee and cakes, and we’re very much looking forward to seeing all our old TFS friends again – and perhaps some new ones!”