Great start to 2022

Due to Christmas and then a rise in Covid cases afterwards, we did not hold Filling Station gatherings in December nor January, but it was a joy to welcome our Regional Director Helli Brunt and her new husband to our February meeting, the start of our new year. She had travelled all the way from Scotland the day before! and was a exuberant and inspirational as ever. She led us to pray for and encourage each other as we prayed in our small groups around the tables, calling out the gold in each others lives.
Then in March it was great to welcome Rob Westall from Abergavenny, as our speaker and worship leader for the evening. He is a Welsh singer/song writer/recording artist/broadcaster and has been on BBC and national Christian radio and TV networks across the globe. He loves to help people meet with Jesus whom he loves and reads all about in the Bible. He has been recording a new album during Covid lockdown and brought cds with him that we could purchase. Rob will be leading worship at Maesyronnen Chapel (Glasbury) Festival Weekend celebrating 325 years of worship there on 25th and 26th June 2022.