Don’t miss our Prayer & Prophetic Training & Activation next Monday!

Next Monday 4th July, two of our Filling Station team members, Hellie Glynn (nee Brunt) and Simon Baddeley will be offering free prophetic teaching and training to Filling Station teams and guests.
We have a limit on the amount of zoom screens, so don’t miss out!
There will be teaching, activation and break-out rooms.
Hellie will be looking at colours and objects, as well as things you see in everyday life that could be symbolic – eg. like how Solomon used metaphors.
Simon will be teaching around Symbolism, drawing inspiration from Revelation, Zechariah and Nathan.
There will be break-out rooms and moments to practise in an open and relaxed environment.
Come and have a go, or watch and learn!
About Hellie & Simon:
Simon and Hellie are both part of the British Isles Prophetic Council.

About this event:
This Training & Activation is part of our Prayer & Prophetic series.
Sign up here:
Once signed up, you’ll be sent Zoom details for the evening.