What an inspirational speaker we had last month in the form of Bart(holomew) Gee of “Breaking the Limits” with his strapline of “Turning Disability into Possibility – Breaking the Limits”. He is certainly one to recommend. Do Google him and watch some of his amazing achievements as he takes God at his word of “All things are possible with God”. Jesus’ character shines through him as he plays piano beautifully and does things that doctors had told him would be impossible. Never a dull moment with the combination of God and Bart together. He wrote to us afterwards: “It was great to meet you on Friday, thank you very much for having me speak at your Filling Station. I really enjoyed it. Thank you very much too for the gift, it’s very generous and I really appreciate it. I hope to see you again sometime in the future.” He has written a great book of his amazing story called “Breaking Limits.
At our next gathering at Glasbury Village Hall will be on Friday 24th June. We start at 7pm with coffee and cakes around tables laid out cafe style. This is a chance to meet each other before moving into a time of worship before hearing our speakers HELEN AND STEVEN ANDERSON who are on the Leadership Team of the strongly prophetic Glasgow City Church. We are blessed that they are coming to our area. Currently they are leading ‘Healing Rooms’ in Estonia, another of their giftings, which they pioneered in Scotland and lead for ten years. They have written several books: ‘Breakthrough Prayer,’ ‘Releasing Healing’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Questions’ and ‘The Day that Changed My Life’.
They write: “Everything begins in the heart of God – He creates and He births. We can only build eternally on what He has birthed and begun. What has God birthed in you? What has He birthed in previous times that you are inheriting? What might He be birthing now?” So come and be inspired by this prophetic couple and hear what God is wanting to say through them to us as individuals and as the Black Mountains Filling Station ‘at such a time as this’.
There are two other events this month in our area which we can recommend. Peter Gladwin (his life has been a series of miracles) will be coming to Elim Pentecostal Church, Brecon on Sunday morning 19th June (Google him). Also on the Festival Weekend of 25th-26th June Maesyronnen Chapel in Glasbury will be celebrating their 325 years of worship with a string of events in both the ancient chapel and a marquee. Several of our core team have been involved in organising this celebration. For details of the programme of events, look up or see Capel Maesyronnen Chapel on Facebook.