The Hope Challenge: Day Two

Day Two


Allowing yourself to dream again after disappointments or delays can be an important part of holding on to hope.

Can you write a list (as short or long as you like) of dreams?

Perhaps you haven’t done this in a long time… and it might feel hard at first… but press in! You might like to break them down into different categories if it helps.

For example…

🌳DO: something enjoyable to DO (learn, make, experience, go to a specific event or travel location etc)

🌳BE: Someone to BE (how you’d like to grow in your character / relationships with God and others eg, Overcome a fear of…, live in freedom from….be more intentional in friendship with…, be more prayerful for creative miracles, become known as a friend of God etc )

🌳LEARN: Something to LEARN (eg, golf, cooking, specific research on a subject)

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