South Glos Filling Station is back for 2023

We look forward to welcoming you to the first South Glos Filling Station of
2023 on Thursday 26th January when we will be joined by Jonathan Wiggam
Jonathan is a Former Chaplain at The Source Young People’s Charity and
has served on the prophetic team at MyChurch in Windsor. He Studied at
Wilson Carlisle College of Evangelism and is an Associate Minister in the
Church of England. He is currently helping to lead the Academy of
Supernatural Life – South West based in Axminster. Jonathan is
a worshipper of Jesus, and together with his wife Susan, has a passion for
the authentic gospel, equipping Christians to be confident to step out and
be activated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They love walking, especially on
the coast, and spending time with family and friends, eating and laughing.