Hellie Brunt at our January Filling Station

Last month we had a wonderful meeting with Paula and Jerry leading us into God’s presence in worship and our Regional Director Hellie Brunt bringing us God’s prophetic word for us all at Black Mountains Filling Station. His Presence as people received from Him was powerful. Several people asked if I would give a recap of what God said to us through Hellie, so this is what I remember from my notes taken at the time:
“Do not be afraid, little flock. It is your Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom”.
Isaiah 6. In a time of loss (Uzziah had died) and a time of change, Isaiah said “I saw the Lord”.
Amongst long grass, Hellie saw in vision both good things and also things that worried her. All that has grown around us seems close, but it is not God. He says “But can you see Me or just all these things?”
God is high, exalted, still on the throne! He is seated on the throne – His robe (Presence) filled the temple. (We are now His temple)
Tiny glimpse of the huge Almighty.
Power of God on our lips. Sin atoned for.
Are we looking at the grass? … that whithers!
Jer 29:11 – He still has plans for us.
When King Uzziah died, God was lifted up.
Rise up with our shields of faith and see breakthrough.
Listen to the Master – and catch 153 fish!
God can change a business, a character, circumstances, etc like He changed water into wine.
There is the power of Life and Death in the tongue (James). Declare it.
Sometimes things we think are dead/dying/dissolving, but God raised Jairus’s daughter, saying she was just dormant.
Mary Magdalene in ‘The Chosen’: ‘I WAS like that, but now I’m like this’. – Jesus made the difference.
Be part of a testudo (Roman tortoise made of shields), moving forward and shielding each other as we go.
On Friday 24th Feb we gather again in Glasbury Village Hall at 7pm for coffee, cakes and chat, before Open Door lead us in a time of worship. Then Rev Misha Pedersen, recently ordained and inducted into Pentref Baptist Church, Newbridge on Wye, will share with us what God has for us. Misha loves Jesus and moved to live in our county seven years ago, so many of us have been following her progress through three years of Cardiff Baptist College and recently her calling to Newbridge. We look forward to having her as our speaker this month.
Richard and Jan Mayers, two of Filling Station core team, are in America at the moment and say there is a huge revival going on there in Asbury College. Follow the link below to catch a glimpse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0VnfuevZBE&pp=ygUbYXNidXJ5IGNvbGxlZ2UgcmV2aXZhbCAyMDIz
Penny Williams