October Filling Station

Anna Hughes will be our guest speaker. Many of you will have heard her speak at the Heal the Land conference in Builth Wells in September last year, where her input was greatly appreciated. We look forward to what she will bring us from the Lord at our Black Mountains Filling Station in Glasbury Village Hall at 7pm on Friday 27th October. As usual we will start with coffee and cakes around small tables where we can meet new friends and catch up with old friends before we move into a time of worship before Anna brings a message to us from the Lord. There will be opportunity for prayer for any who would appreciate that.
Do make a note of our pre-Christmas special event on 24th November when Christian magician Chris Wilder from Nottingham will give us a treat to remember and set us in the mood for the festivities of Christmas. This will be a grand fun event to bring your friends and family of all ages to.