Evangelism Consultant, Laura Brett’s American ministry trip

Laura Brett (our Evangelism Consultant) and Kirstie Wainwright (Leader of Cheshire Filling Station) were recently together in the USA to launch Laura’s new book “Losing Liberty Finding Freedom”.

In addition, Laura was asked to minister in three different locations including Taylor University, Indiana; Smithfield Filling Station in Virginia and YWAM base Mazatlan, Mexico where Kirstie’s younger son is currently serving on staff team.

At Taylor University they led a small and informal pop-up style Filling Station on campus, including prayer and prophetic appointments with both students and those working in faculty.

For some of the students it was evident it as the first time they’d really experienced the power of the Holy Spirit and there were many words of knowledge given and breakthroughs seen. It is hoped that a monthly Filling Station plant within the campus will be started over the coming weeks. We also had appointments with members of staff – one of whom had been discouraged and was seeking the Lord for a move of the Spirit. We prophesied over him together and he said it was 100 percent accurate! Hallelujah!

In Virginia, Laura spoke at the Thursday’s meeting at the local Vineyard Church in Smithfield on Truth & Freedom. The worship was ethereal and there was an altar call for anyone backsliden or new to Christ and they experienced a miraculous healing of a knee. Again, the prophetic flowed and the presence of the Lord was tangible and moving.

Finally, on base camp in Mexico, Kirstie and Laura were asked by the leaders of YWAM Mazatlan to pray and prophecy over all the staff teams. Specific words of knowledge were given and there was a miraculous healing in the room and a powerful deliverance from the spirit of fear and anxiety. Heart healing and words of encouragement were also shared and the testimonies are still being recorded and celebrated.

It was amazing to see the Lord pour out and bring healing to many as they moved around as ambassadors for Him. All Glory to God!