Good Friday and April Filling Station

We were blessed to have Hellie Glyn, Regional Officer for the Filling Station covering Wales, the Marches and South West at our last meeting of Filling Station at the end of March. She brought her friend Claire with her to lead our time of worship before she spoke powerfully on Psalm 23 about Jesus being our Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. He knows each one by name and they know Him and His voice so follow Him when He calls and wherever He leads because they totally trust Him. She talked about how Jesus cares for us and provides for all our needs, guiding us through each day, protecting, comforting, blessing and never leaving us. She talked on how Jesus voluntarily laid down His life to set us free to live an eternal life with Him. “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ” 2 Cor 5:21.
As it was Good Friday, Richard had made and brought a large cross to the hall. People pinned to it all the things they now longer needed to carry around with them and wanted to get rid of for Jesus to take away and free us. Communion bread and wine was laid out for people to come and share in His body and blood, broken and shed for us. A special way to celebrate Good Friday together.
This coming Friday, 26th April Rev Misha Pedersen from Newbridge on Wye will be our speaker. Again we start at 7pm in Glasbury Village Hall, welcoming our friends and new people around small tables with coffee and cakes. This time of fellowship and welcoming new people is an important part of the Filling Station so please arrive in time for this, rather than simply waiting for the time of worship Richard and his team will lead before Misha follows on.
We look forward to personally hearing and experiencing the Presence of God through Misha’s facilitating.
Filling Station is always the last Friday of each month, except for August and December.
Many of you will remember reading about Brother Yun, the Heavenly Man, a key leader in the twenty million strong active and heavily persecuted Underground Church in China. Elim Church in Brecon are giving us a wonderful opportunity to hear his son Isaac Liu who will be sharing his exhilarating story of his escape across the Chinese Border as Jesus, the Good Shepherd, guided him and prepared his way and still does. This will be on Tuesday, 30th April at Elim Church, Brecon. I have recently finished reading Isaac Liu’s own book “Son of the Underground” which he will hopefully bring to sell.
Penny Williams