The wonders of His Love

Our next Filling Station at Glasbury Village Hall, HR3 5LL will be on Friday 31st May at 7pm. Our speaker John Stevens has a remarkable story. He used to be a school teacher then a minister in Bristol. We will start as usual with coffee and cakes while we greet new friends and catch up with old ones from around the area. Then we shall have a time of worship before we hear what God has given us to hear through our speaker. There will be opportunity to receive prayer for healing or whatever for those who desire this.
Last month Misha Pedersen talked to us about how the Lord so wants to embrace each of us and restore us. In fact during the song “To be in Your Presence” in the worship time I felt Him put His arm around me and drew me close to Himself. Misha read a beautiful version of Psalm 23 and a poem she wrote called “Shipwrecked”. We can sometimes feel lost and ‘all at sea’, but actually He is right there with us, wanting “to take out the shrapnel of each hurtful word” and “to wash away all our shame in a huge sea of His love”. She asked the question where does our love end and His begin? They merge together after a time so that the join cannot be found. He shares His own Spirit with us – we cannot be any closer than that. Misha showed how He stands up for us just as He did for the vulnerable woman who washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair while others were trying to ridicule her. She gave her whole heart to Jesus and He received it, to the shame of those ridiculing her actions. Jesus wants to heal and restore so many deep, vulnerable places in us, but He wants our consent. Jesus is angry at the evil one who tries to make us feel separated, etc, but He doesn’t get angry at us – He has overwhelming pure love for us. All of God’s heart is for me, for you, and we are to live out of that place. When you look into your heart, know that He loves you there too. Allow Him to make you whole.
Penny Williams