Re-digging the wells with Tim Buckley this Tuesday

The Filling Station in Box will be meeting for our monthly gathering of worship, teaching and prayer – and of course great coffee and cakes – this Tuesday 14th May 7.30 pm.
We are absolutely delighted to be welcoming back Rev Tim Buckley as our guest speaker. He will be speaking about “redigging the wells”.
Tim has been a great supporter of TFS and in the past regularly led our worship and gave great talks. Formerly the Vicar of Widcombe churches of St Thomas’ and St Matt’s, Tim felt called during his Sabbatical pilgrimage to move on from Church of England Parish Ministry to explore new adventures and new ways of shaping and resourcing churches. He and his wife Sarah have recently taken over leadership of Life Central church in Wellington.
Our musical worship will be led this month by Susanna Downes at the keyboard.
Do come along and bring friends, family and neighbours. We will be in the Methodist Church on the A4 as usual (please park in the Recreation Ground car park or on the Devizes Road). Doors open at 7.00 PM for coffee and cakes, starting at about 7.30 and finishing around 9.30.