David Hull speaking at Box Filling Station on Tuesday 11th June

“The Gentle Whispers of Providence” with Reverend David Hull this Tuesday
The Filling Station in Box will be meeting for our monthly gathering of worship, teaching and prayer – and of course great coffee and cakes – this Tuesday 11th June at 7.30 pm.
We are super excited to be welcoming David Hull back to Box speaking on the theme of “The Gentle Whispers of Providence”. David is an inspiring teacher of the Bible, bringing the word to life and applying it to us today. The Holy Spirit always honours his gifts and we can be sure of an exciting evening on Tuesday.

The Revd Dr David A Hull is a Methodist Minister who has served in the worlds of church and education. Continuing to be a minister in Full Connexion with the British Methodist Conference, he currently serves within the Free Methodist Church UK as Lead Pastor of Freedom Church Bristol, based in Kingswood. He is Chair of Methodist Evangelicals Together and the inter-denominational mission organisation Share Jesus International, and is a member of the Evangelical Alliance Council. David is married to Sarah and they have three daughters.
Our musical worship will be led this month by John Davies – possible his farewell gig leading our worship at Box TFS as he prepares to move job and family from Bath to West Lavington !
Do come along and bring friends, family and neighbours. We will be in the Methodist Church on the A4 as usual (please park in the Recreation Ground car park or on the Devizes Road). Doors open at 7.00 PM for coffee and cakes, starting at about 7.30 and finishing around 9.30.