God’s Ultimate Passion

JUNE AND JULY gatherings at Glasbury
Our next Filling Station gathering at Glasbury Village Hall will be on Friday 26th July, 7-9pm. We are looking foward to hearing our next speaker, Rodney Dow, who has a prophetic ministry. This will be our last gathering before our August break, in line with all other Filling Stations. We will restart on 27th September.
Last month we had a wonderful time with over fifty of us gathering from far and wide to worship God together and hear the message for us from the Lord through Phil Arnold from Oasis Church in Hereford. We start each gathering around small tables sampling various cakes with tea and coffee, getting to know each other better as we keep in touch with other Christians and meeting new friends. So do invite your friends and neighbours to join us. God’s Presence was strong during the worship and we proclaimed His blessing over the land and people around us and where we live.
Phil said how God’s ultimate passion is to dwell in each one of us so He can reveal Himself to others through us as we go about our normal lives, just as He has through the lives of people throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It is through us that He dwells on Earth. Heaven is coming down to us. He wants people who are interacting with Him so He can work through them to bless others and improve situations, guiding us through them. He wants us to welcome Him into everything in our lives. God wants to establish a place of habitation with us. He wants to fill everything and everyone with His Presence, “as the waters cover the sea.” He is flooding our hearts with light as He blesses us with Spiritual blessings as outlined in Ephesians 1:3-14. He calls us to be a part of His functioning priesthood, belonging to Him, for Him. 1 Peter 2:4-6. We have a dire situation on Earth, but that Godly priesthood can make all the difference as we join with Him to bring onto “Earth, as it is in Heaven” (Lord’s Prayer) where mercy triumphs over judgement and mediators, intercessors and go-betweeners become His image bearers on Earth. We need His will and purpose to be fulfilled. The world is in a sad state – Ezekiel 22. Verse 30 states that He found no one to stand in the gap. So Jesus, the perfect Intercessor, came Himself to stand in the gap for us. 1 Kings 18;41-46 gives us the example of Elijah who heard rain (Blessing of God) in the Spirit realm and travailed in prayer to birth it into being in the physical realm seven times, seven being the Biblical number signifying Completion.