Jesus Around the Table at Refuel

At the Refuel Festival in Scotland over the Summer we facilitated a space where people could Encounter Jesus around the Table.  As the Psalmist wrote: “He prepares a table before us”! 

The table was very much a prophetic message in itself. It speaks of the provision that the Lord has for us. It is also a wider prophetic message for the church in the West for the times we are in, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!

One lady wrote to us saying she found “The table in the centre of the tent such an eye catching focal point, as well as a great way for us to step towards the Father’s table. Some of the verses on the plates really spoke into my heart. The seminar that I attended was a delightful mix of teaching, testimony and time to listen to God to see what He was saying to us as individuals.”

Many people commented on how peaceful and restful it was to be in our sessions and many were ignited with a new love for Scripture during the Lectio Divina sessions. 

Our venue became a space for sitting together and sharing together. A space for slowly taking in Scripture. Savouring each morsel.

Creatively looking at times where Jesus shared food with different people in different ways to demonstrate something greater! People shared their unique insights, their creativity. We prayed with people, offered prayer ministry for people, we shared our lunch with people and we provided a space to engage with the Lord and with others.

Some specific highlights included:

  • As people gathered around together it was noticeable how the Lord touched people through Biblical phrases we had written out on the plates
  • A moment of beautiful vulnerability of an honest broken heart coping with loss that opened up through a creative activity 
  • Taking communion together daily
  • The slow reading of Scripture giving us space to hear the Lord speaking afresh and words leaping out. Sharing these together allowed for shared wisdom to come from the community not just a stage

As a team we enjoyed contributing to the teaching and preaching programme and seminar discussions for adults and youth, We helped host the gathered worship times, listening to the Lord for those who came into our tent.

Our week up in Scotland served as a good reminder that for us all there is…

  • An open invite to a banquet (Luke 14:12 we can be fed from the abundance of God’s own house (Psalm 36:8) 
  • We are an important part of ONE body, for we all share the one loaf – to be part of a communion, God with us and us with one another (1 Cor 10:17) 
  • We are brought in to a banqueting hall, where God’s banner over us is love (Song of songs 2:4) 
  • Eating together with glad and sincere hearts (Acts 2: 46) 
  • There is a table pre prepared just for us (Psalm 23: 5) 
  • Miraculous meals hosted where we can ALL eat and be satisfied with lots left over (Luke 9:17) 
  • We can taste and see that God is good (Psalm 34:8)

Imagine the scenes, this is God’s truth and yes YOU are invited! 

So RISE UP AND EAT for the journey (1 Kings 19:7)

Photo Credits – Colin James McLean

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