Prophetic Prayer Appointments at New Wine 

Psalm 23:3 …He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Some of our staff team mobilised a small prophetic prayer team to serve at New Wine’s summer conference where over 14,000 people were in attendance.

We prophesied to around 100 church leaders, it was an amazing privilege. With a larger team we could pray for even more – do pray we can have more people in future years. 

All of our appointment slots were fully booked by the end of the first day!  There was deliverance, freedom and people commented on how the words had spoken into their situations and given them hope for the future. Many of them came in weary from the work they were doing but left invigorated with the love of God and hope for the future. We had words about strategy for the communities they were involved in, insight into oppression that they were experiencing and were then able to pray with them. There were many tears as God released people from pain and they had specific revelation that they were known by the Lord.

Some specific words of knowledge that God gave us included revealing… 

  • Someone’s blood type
  • Exact phrases that had significance in their past 
  • A third confirmation in a row for a man that he should leave his job and make space for full time ministry
  • A lady should say “yes” to writing a book who had just had a meeting with a book publisher
  • Words that had been spoken out as a curse over a worship leader were supernaturally revealed and then broken 

Last year we had given a couple a word from the Lord that they would receive a tangible gift from God on a beach. One day during the year they were on a beach and a Shih Tzu dog ran up to them (their dream dog!) and the owner ended up giving that dog to them saying they had too many dogs! 

How incredibly kind our Father God is and how kind of that couple to ensure they came back this year to tell us! 

Another man had received a word about getting a promotion in a specific but peculiar way, (he had already submitted his resignation) but to his surprise an opportunity for promotion did come up anyway and as a fulfilment of the word from the Lord he took up the position.  We felt so encouraged ourselves at how God really does know us, He knows the words on our tongues and is familiar with all our ways as Psalm 139 says. He showed He knew those coming for appointments and He knows YOU as you read this! 

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