Help! How do I share the Good News of Jesus?!

Out on the streets

For some Christians, the word ‘evangelism’ feels daunting! The idea of sharing their Christian faith with someone else seems a big thing to do.

Passing on good news

However, Laura Brett, our Consultant Evangelist here at the Filling Station shares, evangelism is simply the practice of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the passing on of good news.

The Great Commission

An evangelist does just that and is called and anointed by God, Ephesians 4 v11: “So, Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

So do we leave the sharing of the gospel to the Evangelists? The Bible tells us it’s not just to be left to the chosen few or those with that particular gifting.

When Jesus gave all his followers The Great Commission in Matthew 28, we were all told to do three things:

  • To mature disciples (disciple them in their faith)
  • To make disciples (lead people to Christ)
  • To mark disciples (baptise them)

In our own way

Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, telling others about our faith and trust in God is actually something that we should all be doing in our own gifted way. Here are some ideas of how we might be called to do this:

  • Friendship evangelism
  • “Celebration style” special event (monthly Filling Station meeting, or evangelistic outreach event)
  • Going out on the streets
  • Online evangelism
  • On the hoof! Sharing your story unexpectedly!

Keen to try yourself?

Get in touch! Laura Brett, our Filling Station Evangelism Consultant is always keen to help! Email her at

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