Incredible stories of healing from South Africa with the UK team

The Filling Station ‘Team South Africa’ arrived in Cape Town, 10 days ago. The team of 12 consisted of six staff team, plus six extras – all on the team had paid their own way to get out there.

We had four days of ministering at Church of the Holy Spirit (the church that Richard and Jo planted in Cape Town 25 years ago!) This included a one-day Conference with teaching focusing on being filled & empowered by the Spirit (our favourite topic!), & seminars on healing, prophesy, spiritual warfare & deliverance.

Healing from a word of knowledge

Justin and Jo

Here is a picture of Justin – he learnt about the Conference when he heard Richard talk about it on the local Christian radio station. He travelled 10 km to come (a long way in Cape Town!). He came to the Healing Seminar, after a word of knowledge was shared about painful feet. Justin responded – he had been experiencing pain in both feet, that got much worse at night. As Jo and Richard prayed for his feet to be healed, Jo got the Scripture from Ephesians 6 – ‘feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace’.

Jo asked Justin if he was an evangelist … he said he was the evangelism leader in his Catholic Church! So they then prayed against the enemy’s work which was trying to rob him of his ability to do what the Lord had called Him to do.  As they prayed this, the pain in his right foot got better, and then the left one improved. 

Justin returned the next day for the Sunday morning service. He testified that the pain had gone in both feet. That evening he came back with his wife and two kids to the ‘pop up’ Filling Station! 

This is just one of MANY testimonies from this long weekend of ministry. There were many deliverances, healings and prophetic words which brought freedoms and encouragement! 

Travelling up to the Waterberg

Then the team flew up to Johannesburg, and drove 3 1/2 hours north to the Waterberg, a farming area in the Limpopo province. Jo and Richard have been visiting the community of St John’s Church there for over 10 years, bringing different teams with them for some of those years. 

The team led the local Filling Station evening here on Friday (see pics). Craig, plus three from team, led a wonderful worship time. Simon Baddeley gave a powerful & prophetic word, and then many words were shared. Prayer ministry followed with many touched and encouraged.

Driving nine hours to be there!

Just this weekend, at the morning service at St John’s church, the Filling Station UK team again led worship. Richard spoke, and many of the team gave testimonies of what the Lord had been doing over our precious nine days.

Faith was released and more prayer happened with many breakthroughs and healings. One couple had driven nine hours to come to the meeting! They had been encouraged to come by their friend, Hilary Jones, one of our Filling Station power prayers who lives in Yorkshire. They stayed for the weekend locally and & also came to the St John’s service on Sunday. They testified to how the Lord had touched them, encouraged them and ‘had restored hope’ to them over these last two days.

There are SO many stories and testimonies of what the Lord has been doing in our midst during our 10 days here on SA. There’s not enough space to share on this blog but hope the pics will give you a taster!

Thanks again to staff team members – James, Craig, Laura, Trevor & Simon, and ‘extras’/ better halves: Denise Mackay, Bethia Nickols, Rob Brett, as well as Inger, Erin, Kirstie and Jody (for 4 days only!) for joining us on this adventure. It’s been amazing serving the Lord with you here over these last 10 days – you have all been amazing!  And THANK YOU Jesus for all you have been doing amongst us.

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