“Publish His Glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the AMAZING THINGS He does” Psalm 96:3
It was so good to start back with our Black Mountains Filling Station gatherings in November 2021 after nearly two years of Covid 19 Restrictions. This first session was given over to hearing many testimonies of what they had seen or experienced God doing among us over the quiet almost two years. A number of members came to the front to report on how they had experienced God’s Presence and transforming Peace during the difficult times of lockdown. One couple had felt led to erect a big cross on the mountain common by their house on which they hung a wreath of poppies in November and other appropriate things at other times of the year. This seemed to have positive impact on the local community, some of whom paused and reflected. One person drove up it, got out of her car and dropped to her knees in front of it.
One member has been leading a weekly online Spirit Lifestyle training and equipping class and reported on some of the many things she had seen herself or through her class members who have been putting into practice what they have been learning during the last 18 months:
One person she prayed for for prayer for damage to his brain that made him very unsteady, then got up unaided from his wheelchair, found he could stand and walked easily in front of the laptop camera for all to see, much to the wonder of himself and his wife. He then explained his condition had been caused by motor neurone disease. Another was colour blind, being able to see only three colours and not very distinctly. He said he would love to be able to see a rainbow. After prayer he went outside as it was sunny and raining. He reported back that he could see all the colours and in growing intensity. Another class member rang for prayer as she had woken with really bad knee pain, unable to put weight on it. During prayer the pain reduced from a pain level of 7 out of 10 down to a 3, then 2, then 0. She rang back a couple of hours later to say she had just been for a pain free 4 mile walk over uneven ground.
Grace’s car had rolled three times, crushing the car into a complete wreck but she herself squeezed out unharmed through the window after noticing her crucifix had wrapped iteself several times around the steering wheel.
Penny had a third of a huge oak tree fall immediately in front of and behind her little car which ended up enclosed in the tiny space between the two main bows. Apart from a cracked number plate neither she nor the car were at all damaged.
Several were healed from very painful backs and other joints. One of these was dancing with joy before the Lord the next day having been set free from constant nightmares, insomnia and anxiety and having had her first good night’s sleep in years. Another was set free from a life of darkness, pain and breathing difficulties. Another, Christina, also asked for deliverance. She had been on prescribed Co-codomol for 30 years in an attempt to reduce the constant migraines, also nightmares and nightly attacks. A black compact thing lifted out of and up from her head and all the night terrors and migraines stopped from that moment and she stopped taking the medication. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, He gives freedom” 2 Cor. 3:16.
A class member who works in a shop reported a woman riddled with arthritis went out waving both her crutches and another with Parkinsons left with all the symptoms disappeared. One came into the shop with excruciating pain in a knee and went out waving his stick. Others were healed of glaucoma, dysfunctional adrenal glands, severe allergies, depression, a large cyst, 2 lumps in a breast, all symptoms of prostate problems, frozen shoulder, arthritic pain, spinal stenosis, disc prolapse, gut problems, emotional healing. One person had been told after a scan that prostate cancer had spread to his lungs and everywhere, “like a machine gun had been fired at him” and given three weeks to live. After prayer he asked for another scan in which the doctor could find no cancer anywhere in his body!
After each section of testimonies at the Filling Station, we prayed in the small groups around the tables for each other, understanding that testimony releases the power of God to do the same again because a Spiritual Impartation takes place. So as you read this report, be expectant (faith) and check your body for any changes. And remember, the more we pray for others, the more of His healing we will witness.