Prophetic meeting last month at the Black Mountains Filling Station
We were blessed to have Helen and Steven Anderson as our speakers in June. They are on the leadership team of the strongly prophetic Glasgow City Church. Steven spoke to us from Luke 13:10 – 16, saying how Jesus wants to set us free from restrictions others have put on us and we have even put on ourselves. He has loosed us so we need to reposition ourselves and not return to the shackles. Jesus will make His impression on us as we are impressed with Him. What we have in Him is what we can release into the areas of darkness and the people around us. When we think of ourselves and our churches as small, poor, insignificant and incapable, we are cursing ourselves. A curse limits us and hems us in. So we need to break these curses by renouncing them and declaring the opposite.
As we worshipped I saw Jesus loving us from the front and pouring His heart into the hearts of each of us worshipping Him.
Steven and Helen prophesyed over the gathering that the Holy Spirit was releasing dreams and prophetic vision over each of us. They then went on to speak out exciting and powerful prophecies from God over a number of individuals. It was a wonderful evening and now we need to keep walking in this.
At our next gathering in Glasbury Village Hall at 7pm on 29th July, Chris Vaz will be our guest speaker. He is the senior pastor at Gateway Church in Abergavenny and also part of the core team of New Wine Cymru. He is a popular speaker who listens to God for the message that He wants to bring us.
Please note that there will be no Filling Station in August – enjoy the summer holiday! We restart on 30th October when Rob Roberts from Herefordshire will be our speaker.