Midlands Regional Director appointed.
Ms Hellie Brunt, latterly of Holy Trinity Church Cheltenham, has been appointed as the Filling Station’s first English Midlands Regional Director. Covering the central counties of England and along the Welsh marches, she will be there to support, encourage, equip and pray for all the Filling Stations in her area, currently some 13 meetings in all. Hellie said; ‘I am delighted to be able to join the expanding Filling Station ministry which is bringing so much new spiritual life to the country, particularly in the rural counties!’ Hellie is an experienced and anointed minister, particularly gifted in the areas of teaching and releasing the prophetic gifts in the church. She will also be leading the Filling Station Trust’s efforts to offer prophetic workshops across the country. To find out more about these workshops and Hellie’s involvement, do contact her on: helliebrunt@gmail.com