Christmas Evangelistic Events
Christmas evangelistic events.
Several Filling Station meetings across the land will be hosting evangelistic meetings in the next few weeks. The international evangelist, J.John, will be speaking at three events in early December. In Hampton-in-Arden, Warwickshire, on Monday Dec 5th, in the New Forest, Hampshire, on Wednesday Dec 7th, and Emsworth, W.Sussex on Friday Dec 9th. Other Filling Stations are also holding evangelistic evenings, such as; Lossiemouth FS on 10th of December with Christian Comedian Andy Kind, the Wirral FS with Mark Greenwood on the 5th December, Carols in Henley on Thames on Wednesday Dec 7th. On the 8th of December, Cirencester FS in Gloucestershire have Nick Cuthbert speaking at their evangelistic event. N.Essex FS have an evangelistic evening on December 15th. Several other meetings are undertaking such Christ centred gatherings – look at the appropriate web pages on this site for full details of what may be happening in your area. ‘Christ-mass’ is coming early at the Filling Station this year!