The Great Trek completed!

Richard Fothergill has completed the ‘Great Trek’, walk from John O’Goats to Land’s End, finishing in Cornwall on Monday the 17th July as planned!  He was met by a small group of friends and family who cheered him as he walk the last few yards up to the famous Land’s End signpost.  He said he was, ‘delighted to have been able to achievements the walk of several hundred miles and meet so many fascinating people along the way.  I was hosted by 27 different Filling Station teams and numerous friends along the way.  I chatted to hundreds of strangers, nearly always ending up talking about the Lord, and prayed with large numbers of people.  It’s been great to get a feel for where the nation is spiritually – and spiritually it is not in as bad a shape as I had feared.  Most people are included to faith, they just haven’t heard that Jesus is the answer!’  He also raised £8,000 for the two charities he has been supporting – ‘Hands at Work’ in Africa, and new Filling Station groups wanting to set up monthly meetings.  He proposes to have a few days rest and is then back up in Scotland to join in with the exciting events of the first ever ‘Refuel17’ Christian holiday teaching week which the Filling Station is hosting, from July 23rd-29th.

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